Strive towards environmentally sustainable practices and towards increasing transparency and professionalism in corporate governance


  • Exclusion of investments where we believe material ESG risk is present or where ESG issues might create a headwind to value creation
  • Proactive mapping of opportunities generated by ESG trends in focus sectors and best practices


  • ESG review as part of due diligence process
    • Risks and opportunities
    • Positioning vs. best practices
  • Engagement of 3rd party specific ESG advisors
  • ESG KPIs included in value creation plan with specific focus and evaluation by Investment Committee


  • Delivery on ESG identified priorities
  • ESG KPIs in value creation plan
  • Constant monitoring of ESG enabled financing opportunities
  • Annual Board review of Responsible Investment Guidelines


  • Annual reporting on ESG KPIs by portfolio companies including risk and opportunities
  • Annual evaluation about sector-specific and portfolio ESG risks and opportunities